The House of Hope is a home for orphaned and abandoned Haitian girls located a short distance from HOM’s Terre Noire compound. Inspired by Nadege Gay, School Principal at Terre Noire, House of Hope provides a safe, secure and nurturing environment for approximately 17 girls, age 4 to 18.
On trips in August 2017 and February 2018, Quaker’s Haiti Mission Group has met two primary needs at House of Hope. First, electrical power at the house was made safer and more reliable. Second, power and running water have been established at the nearby gate house used to house HoH workers.
While there have been notable improvements, there is still much to be done. Nadege’s hope is to provide care and shelter for many more young girls in the future. To support more girls at House of Hope, the facility’s infrastructure must be upgraded. Together with Nadege, the Quaker Haiti Mission Group plans to facilitate this need through a multi-stage implementation of solar power. Solar power will bring about a twofold benefit: greater energy self-reliance and lower cost. Reducing their current reliance on a generator will save hundreds of dollars per month.
QMPC desires to continue to support HOM and House of Hope because of their focus on providing a Christian education and healthcare to local children. Through HOM, the church sponsors 2 children, while members of the congregation sponsor 17 additional children.